
出国留学 & 国际教育


威廉和罗伯特舒福德国际教育中心提供智能, affordable opportunities for you to immerse yourself in a new country and academic environment, providing you transformative experiences and important skills that you can apply throughout your life.


全球网赌十大网站的项目提供按时毕业所需的课程. 你可以从夏天开始选择, 学期和一年的选择, 以及春假期间教师主导的机会.


Lenoir-Rhyne offers a wide range of study abroad programs, 包括 a whole year or semester abroad.

Ainee O' connor '20,德国/国际经济学


全球网赌十大网站的全面建议, 支持车间, 取向材料, 留学前和留学后的课程将帮助你充分利用你的经验.

如果你在申请护照时需要额外的帮助, 或者写奖学金论文, 全球网赌十大网站是来帮忙的. We also provide opportunities to talk to students like you who have studied abroad before. We want you have a successful experience abroad that results in you gaining valuable real-life experience you can use when you graduate to leverage your first job or applying to graduate school.

Encourage your parents or guardians to read through these options with you so that your whole family gets a chance to review the costs associated with studying abroad. Planning ahead is a great advantage when building high-impact learning experiences into your LR education.


Michael Hanlon去了哥斯达黎加

负担得起的选择 & 奖学金

出国留学不一定是遥不可及的. 你可以找到一种方法,让你负担得起出国留学. 全球网赌十大网站提供许多经济实惠的选择, 在某些情况下, 你的总账单将与你在校园的典型学期相同或更少.

经济援助和援助可以用来支付你的费用, and you can apply for a range of LR and national 奖学金 to make this even more economical.

  • 周曼安学习奖学金
    • 滚动申请截止日期
    • 目前,在夏季或学期学习的学生可获得最高1,500美元的奖学金.

    周玛丽安中国留学奖学金为符合条件的学生提供资金, 良好的学术地位, 参加一个到中国大陆学习的项目. 的 program must last a minimum of three weeks and be sponsored by an academic institution.

    She established this scholarship in 2000 as a way for students at Lenoir Rhyne to develop a better understanding of the country of Chou's birth. 的 last line of her autobiography she writes: "It is a good feeling to finish my life story which wasn't planned in advance, 就像我现实生活的很多部分一样... 也许去中国将是你人生故事的重要组成部分."

  • 舒福德捐赠基金

    的 William and Robert Shuford Endowment grants are intended to contribute to growth in the number of students able to participate in LR study abroad programming. 像这样, they can be used to cover shorter faculty-led and summer programs as well as semester and year-long programs to traditional and non-traditional destinations.

    为了扩大学生参与的项目种类, some funding will be reserved to support students pursuing internships and service abroad as well as senior project research.

    的 grants are further intended to support students who have financial need and/or to support LR’s goal of promoting diversity in the students that participate in study abroad programming. 如果你打算出国留学,请申请这些奖学金. 有许多类型的奖励,许多学生将有资格获得一些支持.

    Preference in making these awards will go to Lenoir-Rhyne students who are undergraduates or graduates with a 2.5平均绩点.


    • 9月15日 -春假,春季课程和LTSS课程
    • 11月15日 -暑期课程
    • 2月15日 -夏季,秋季学期和学年计划
  • 吉尔曼奖学金计划

    本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金项目 aims to diversify the kinds of students who study and intern abroad and the countries and regions where they go by offering awards to U.S. 由于经济限制,可能无法参加的本科生.

    的 scholarship provides a maximum of $5,000 to students who meet eligibility requirements.


    该奖学金项目向美国学生开放.S. citizen undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study and intern abroad programs worldwide.

    该奖学金由美国教育和文化事务局主办.S. 国务院. 的 Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs fosters mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries to promote friendly, 同情与和平关系.


    • 秋天: 4月中旬
    • 春天:十月初
  • 博伦奖学金

    大卫L. Boren奖学金为美国学生提供高达20,000美元的奖学金.S. 让本科生到对美国经济发展至关重要的地区留学.S. 出国留学的兴趣和代表性不足.

    博仁学者和研究员 留学世界, 包括非洲, 亚洲, 中欧和东欧, 欧亚大陆, 拉丁美洲和中东. 西欧国家、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰不包括在内.

    博仁学者和研究员代表了各种学术和专业学科, 但所有人都对学习不太常用的语言感兴趣, 包括, 但不限于, 阿拉伯语, 中国人, 朝鲜文, 葡萄牙语, 俄语和斯瓦希里语.

    博伦奖学金 and Fellowships are funded by the National Security Education Program (NSEP), 哪个以地理区域为重点, 被认为对美国教育至关重要的语言和研究领域.S. 国家安全.

    申请人确定他们的海外学习计划或海外项目, 以及他们未来的学术和职业目标, 将对你有贡献。.S. 广义的国家安全.

    NSEP借鉴了国家安全的广泛定义, recognizing that the scope of 国家安全 has expanded to include not only the traditional concerns of protecting and promoting Am埃里克an well-being, 还有全球社会的挑战, 包括可持续发展, 环境恶化, 全球疾病和饥饿, 人口增长、移民和经济竞争力.

  • 海外教育基金奖学金

    的 Fund for Education Abroad (有限元分析) provides 奖学金 and ongoing support to students who are underrepresented among the U.S. 留学人口. 有限元分析改变人生, 通过支持少数民族向所有人提供国际经验, 社区大学和第一代大学生之前, 在他们参加海外教育项目期间和之后.

    有限元分析投资于希望出国留学的有经济需要的有前途的学生. Potential applicants who meet our eligibility requirements may participate on any international education program that meets their academic objectives.

    有限元分析 奖学金 价格从1250美元到10000美元不等. 资格要求 都可以通过有限元分析网站获得.

  • 塞缪尔·亨廷顿公共服务奖

    塞缪尔·亨廷顿公共服务奖 提供15美元,000 stipend for a graduating college senior to pursue one year of public service anywhere in the world. 的 award allows recipients to engage in a meaningful public service activity for one year before proceeding on to graduate school or a career.

    申请应包括一份提案, 预算, 成绩单, 简历和三封推荐信. 提案可以包括任何促进公共利益的活动. 它可以单独进行,也可以通过已建立的慈善机构进行, 宗教, 教育, 政府或其他公共服务机构.

    Samuel Huntington was president and chief executive officer of the New England Electric System, 后来与国家电网合并. 他对公共服务非常感兴趣. Following his graduation from college and before attending law school, Huntington taught in Nigeria. 的 塞缪尔·亨廷顿公共服务奖 was established by his friends to allow other students to realize similar experiences and to provide public service.

全球赌博十大网站 & 事件


当新冠肺炎大流行袭来时,一些国际学生无法回家, 有些人认为留在劳氏更安全. 他们在大流行期间组成了一个社区和家庭,一起吃饭, 去远足等等.


Thank you for your patience as we navigate the effects of Hurricane Helene on the Hickory, 哥伦比亚和阿什维尔校区及周边地区. 定期查看Lenoir-Rhyne网站的最新更新.
